Javascript Posts

Release Announcements
petfeedd users, I am proud to announce the beta release of petfeedd 1.0.1. This release has no major changes in it and is solely about addressing security issues in many of the underlying libraries used by petfeedd. To install it or upgrade from previous versions, you can simply run: docker pull peckrob/petfeedd:latest
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Release Announcements
After five beta releases and months of testing, I am happy to announce petfeedd Version 1.0 is now available. All changes from the beta branch have been merged in and the release is now available on Docker Hub. To install it or upgrade from Version 0.2, you can simply run: docker pull peckrob/petfeedd:latest And restart. It should perform all the upgrades needed for version 1.0.
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Release Announcements
petfeedd users, I am proud to announce the beta release of petfeedd 1.0. It’s been almost three years since the last release of petfeedd (version 0.2.2), and Version 1.0 marks a new start for this project. I have been running the beta release on my feeders for the last week and I believe I have smashed all the major bugs.
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Let’s say you’re building a tiny little Vue app. Not a full-on single page app, but something very tiny that will need to be embedded into other pages. Like a fully interactive widget that can do a wide variety of things, but will need to be self-contained so as not to interfere the rest of the page. Traditionally, in the past, we did this with a wide variety of approaches. Going back to the 90s, we use Java Applets (remember those?) and Active-X controls (ugh). We used Flash too (double ugh). Lately the preferred approach has been iframes, and while this is still a perfectly valid approach, it has it’s own set of problems. But now, we also have Shadow DOM which provides us another approach to building richly interactive widgets that are (mostly) contained from interfering with the styling of the surrounding page and, crucially, doesn’t allow the surrounding page to interfere with the widget! And, yes, Vue can totally be used inside a shadow tree. It just take a bit of setup work.
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For the last few years, Gulp has been my go-to task runner for Node projects and, generally, anywhere where I need to build things or run tasks. But the recent release of Gulp 4 broke all of my config files and left me with hours of frustrating rewrites, I decided to see what else might be out there. And, naturally, I landed on Grunt. One thing I liked about Gulp (prior to 4.0) was it’s much looser structure that allowed a lot of freedom in how you structured your file. Grunt seems to be much more structured and opinionated. And sometimes, I don’t like those opinions. A prime example of this is grunt-contrib-watch. When I type grunt watch, I want to run a series of setup tasks first before firing the watcher up. But grunt-contrib-watch squats on the prime real estate that is the watch command. But I wanted to use that command. And there doesn’t seem to be any way to just say “run these arbitrary tasks before starting the watcher.” At least not one that I could find clearly documented. Sure, I could just make my own mywatch or similar command, but I’m picky. I want my command, so we need a way to rename it.
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As with many of my projects, it started with something that made me angry. In this case, it was this: The Petmate Le Bistro Pet Feeder. Okay, let’s back up a little bit. Back to about 8 or so years ago. We had a cat at the time, Pumpkin, who as objectively not a good cat. She was foul tempered on the best of days and very difficult to love. But she was my wife and I’s first pet, so we did love her all the same. She had a habit of wanting food precisely on time. And if it was late, she would raise all manner of noise until she was fed. Often this came at some ungodly early time in the morning. So I bought a Petmate Le Bistro Pet Feeder.
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AngularJS’s built-in ngResource is a great tool for natively supporting REST APIs in your Angular application. But what happens when you need to support something besides a simple call that retrieves a list of JSON objects? You quickly run into the limits of ngResource. Here’s a great case where you might need to do something more complex: paging. Say you want to get a list of objects, and there’s 10,000 or so of them. You don’t want to send 10,000 objects to your frontend app. You want to send a portion of them, but you still need to indicate to the app that there are more. Surprisingly, considering how widespread this pattern is in web development, there does not seem to be a native way to accomplish this. But you can extend ngResource. Here’s how I did it.
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So I’ve been working on a project recently where I needed a simple predicate builder. Basically I needed a way to allow users to build a somewhat complex search using a GUI. And since we are using AngularJS on this project, here’s a quick article about how I did it.
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